An amazingly heartwarming story about a bookshop owner who collects typewriters. Here is an excerpt from the BBC website:

An Edinburgh bookshop owner has been hailed a hero by Hollywood actor Tom Hanks for “keeping typewriters alive”.

Tom Hodges typed a letter to the film star this summer and received a reply from the actor praising his work.

The 35-year-old has invited Hanks to visit his shop, Typewronger Books, while the National Museum of Scotland’s typewriting exhibition is on show.

Mr Hodges, Scotland’s only typewriter mechanic, said he was “overjoyed” to receive the letter.

He told BBC Scotland: “The reason this is cool for me is not the same as it is for everyone else.

“He might be a big Hollywood actor but for me it’s all about his love of typewriters.

“There are a few typewriter geeks, such as Ben Aleshire in New Orleans and Luke Winter who has the Glasgow Story Wagon, but Tom Hanks gets the crown.”

you can read the full story here: