Whether you create a website for your personal use or for your business, you will want the message of your website to carry as far as possible on the Internet, the best way to do that is to ensure your site ranks very well in Google.com.ng (presuming you are targeting Nigerian customers), more and more browsers in Nigeria are using Google.com.ng to find information about products and services in Nigeria.

If you think carefully about your online strategy before starting, you can build all the SEO tips in this article into your website, it will help get your site ranking very highly in Google.com.ng.

Register a .com.ng domain name – If you have not already registered a domain name for your business, then you definitely want to register a .com.ng domain name. The first thing having a .com.ng domain name does is signpost your site as a Nigerian business, sending the unambiguous sign to your prospective customers that you are in Nigeria to serve then. The second important factor in registering a .com.ng domain for your business is the fact that search engines know straight away that your are targeting customers in Nigeria and rank your site well for Nigeria related keywords.

Host your site in Nigeria – Your website will bear the IP address of the country its hosted, if you host your website in Nigeria, search engines will know immediately that your site is hosted in Nigeria and rank it higher for Nigeria related keywords. Hosting your site in Nigeria is even more important if your domain name is and international domain name such as .com rather than .com.ng .

Designate your site as Nigerian site in Google Webmaster Tool – If you do not have a Google Webmaster Tools already, you should get one. As part of the tools available in Google Webmaster Tools, you can let Google know which country your site is targeting, designate your site as Nigerian site and you will rank higher for Nigerian related searches.

Create your social pages from Nigeria – It seem that social networking sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn use geo targeting tools to know where you access their site from, if you are not based in Nigeria, get a Nigeria friend to create your site’s social networking page for you to ensure the page is designated as Nigerian.

Build links from Nigerian sites – When building links for your website, get links from Nigerian hosted sites, the more Nigerian links you get the better your site will rank in Google.com.ng.

Use unique images – Google can identify pictures, if you use and image or picture that has been used by thousands of other sites, you will not be doing yourself any favours. Now that almost every phone has a decent digital camera, take some unique pictures to use with your contents. A good example is our fish farming article, we use some stock photos but we got someone to take the unique picture below.

Catfish Harvest

Catfish Harvest

You can find more tips on how to make your site rank well and discuss it with other webmasters at our webmaster forum.