How to photograph… Stars part 2: Star Trails

In part 1 I covered how to photograph stars, where I showed you how to create beautiful star pictures with 30 second exposures, ISO 3200 or 1600, and max aperture. I said that in that case star trail were undesirable, but in this article I am going to show you how to...

How to Photograph Spring flowers and Wildflowers

They are everywhere. All around us, wildflowers are growing, and they are so easy to find, all you have to do is get out to photograph them.They are such rewarding little subjects, and if you can find a little time between work and kids, use it to photograph them!...

How to Photograph Rainbows

These beautiful natural phenomena have the beauty to prove irresistable to the photographer, but they are quite hard to find… In this article I will discuss how to photograph them… if you find one! Step one is the most obvious, and difficult. Finding one. ...