Confused man1

Confused man

Dear Haba! Please share on your platform for advice

I lost my job early last year, and since then, my house has been hell!
My wife treats me anyhow, she does not cook, she disrespects me in the presence of her family members. Haba! I got so frustrated during this period. She even threatened to divorce me

Fast Forward to mid-last year, i met a side chick. A very young beautiful lady who was there for me all through the thick and thin. I told her what I was going through and she lent me some money to start a small business.

To cut a long story short, the business was so successful and things went back to normal for me again.

Now my wife noticed that i am financially stable, she has started acting nice again. But my issue is that the side chick that helped me is carrying my child. In Fact, I have gone to see her mother who has been asking me about preparation for wedding. I do not want to take any step that will affect my children in future.

Haba please put on your platform for advice. Should i divorce my wife and marry the lady ? if I do, hope the action will not backfire ? I need your advice on what to do Asap.